Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Book Written by You

Here it is, the last day of the year 2011.
I look back into the pages of all that has happened
and the words that fill it just amazes me.

It's hard to believe how long ago some things has gone by
yet they stay so fresh in my mind;
while others seem so far gone and distant
but they came along not too long ago.

Reading those pages brings back so many feelings.
Feelings of excitement and joy brought by fond memories
and also a sense of lost and sadness to all I had to say goodbye to.

Some pages I have left blank because they were unimportant days
or at least I never did anything special on those days.
Then some were left blank because they are too painful to write
during those days but I filled some of them in again today.

When I look at these pages, I truly see God's hand writing in them.
They were all my choices but He was there everyday.
I would never have been able to stand here and smile
if it wasn't for God's grace and I mean it.
I am able because He is able.

Honestly, I am pretty scared to say this but
I know that I wont have it any other way
because He always gives me His best.

So, God would you please surprise me once again in 2012?


Goodbye, 2011!

Psalm 139:16
In your book were written all the days
that were formed for me,
when none of them as yet existed.

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