Sunday, April 12, 2009

You are Here.

Blessed Easter Day to you! 

This song has been playing on my mind since Friday night :
The same power that conquered the grave lives in me.
The same love that rescued the world lives in me.
He lives in me. 
Two simple lines which says alot. :)

*oh yeah, if you haven't watch the discovery channel advertisement 
before and you have a minute and i mean just one minute to spare, 
do click on play. Trust me, it's worth your minute.

Question : what reminds you of God's mighty power and love 
every time you look at it? 

For me, i love the sky especially when it's blue. What about you? 
Lilies or leeches perhaps?


Reminder to self :
Exams is exactly a month's time away. wow. 
i shall go bury myself in books! :D 

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