Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't Be Caught Sleeping


That was what this week was all about. I woke up to a pleasant surprise on Monday morning and on Wednesday i received a sms saying that results are finally out! All I can say is all glory and praise to God, the one who is ever faithful. I thank the Lord for the opportunity that He has given me to go to Cardiff but I thank Him even more what He has shown me the past 9 months and that is . . . 

To trust and to lean not on my own understanding. 

It is so true that the journey is often more important than the goal itself. God is not interested in only giving us success and fulfilling our desires but He is more interested in building us and to teach us how to trust Him more. For what He has given me is more than I can ask for and all i can do is Praise His Holy Name.

To my friends who have been so encouraging, thank you
You are really God's given blessing in my life! :)

note to self :
remember to lock room door to deter random people from entering room so that i shall not be caught sleeping. twice in a month is good enough!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

You need a laugh!

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter
~ e.e. cummings

I hope we made your day! :) :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sabah Trip

yess, I am back again in KL again! :) 

I can't believe my Sabah trip has ended already,
it passed by so quickly and i already miss the Ong family.
There's probably too much for me to tell,
so here are some of the snapshots taken.

#1 Sandakan

on the way to Sandakan

#2 SAGA (Sabah Games) : i've never watch so much sports consecutively before! o.o

the triple jumper wants a bear too

#3 Animals in Sandakan : I only managed to visit mr crocodile but not mr orang utan.

one of the many many round-a-bouts in Sandakan

#4 FOOD!
goood foood yeay :D

ever tried 'fish' kut teh?

#5 and more . . . . FOOD!

the most awesomest mango cake ever!!  im craving for it now :(

hehe :D

#6 actually doing sports : swimming!

Jan-ice and friends.

Jan-ice swimming away

do we look alike, no?

#7 Guitar heroessss : i found out that im quite good with the drums. hee.

#8 late nights and meeting new friends.

what some people will do for a soft toy. sigh.

spot smth in her hand? 
i did not do this as i'm sleeping right next to her.

#9 Nemo, torres & betty :)

Meet Betty, the youngest one in the house. :)

Little Torres

Torres and Nemo (cute names right?)

#1o Ong Family :)

the lovely Ong family

The Ong Sisters : McMac & McCartney

Jessie & I

So how did i find my trip to Sabah?

exactly!  :D :D

Thing 1 says : Thing 2 & Thing 3, i miss you already!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sabah : Out & About

Location : Mark's Lodge Hotel, Sandakan
Time : 11.42pm

Hellooo, I am now at Sandakan, Sabah. :)

The last time I actually came here was when I was 3 years old, which is equivalent to not coming here at all. The only thing that I was told about Sandakan was that I vomitted throughout the 5 hour journey the last time I came here, which thankfully did not happen again. If you decide to take over more than 50 cars and 15 lorries in a two lane road (one each way), you will be able to reach here in around 5 hours from Kota Kinabalu, given you don't get killed. The nice thing about taking a car ride here rather than a 45 minute flight is the beautiful scenery of Mount Kinabalu, which is absolutely stunning. :D (so many trees!)

Sandakan is almost like what KK used to be 5 or 6 years ago. Or maybe more way back? It's a small town compared to KK but it's nice in it's own way and it's got quite a nice stadium. Oh yeah, I am here to watch the Saga (Sabah Games 2009), not really because I am a sports fan but it's because my cousins are participating in it :D Anyways, I don't often blog about what I do/where I am but it's not everyday I come to Sandakan either. I will be here till Thursday or Friday. Maybe, Sandakan may surprise me. :)

note : Pictures will be uploaded when i get back to KK.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Catch My Breath

There goes the first two weeks of holiday :) It has been great! I wouldn't say i have been very busy but busy enough nonetheless. It's definitely nice to finally have that long awaited break. Anyways, here are some of the things that I have been doing.

#1 Celebrate
Bubba Gump with Lu and Huay Ann on the 22nd itself! All I can say is, awesomeeee.

#2 Spring Cleaning
I have been waiting to do this and I finally got it done! yay. I really love Cif :D Thanks to it and that white toothbrush, so many things looks new, bright and most importantly white. hehe.

#3 Happy Birthday, Margaret!
I got to know this smarty pants during my a-levels and she's not only quite funny but really fun to be around with too. I'm glad I got to at least have breakfast with you on your birthday :)

#4 Hair cut
It feels so good now that my hair is shorter and lighter and i no longer have to spend so much time just to blow my hair. Xabi got his as well and strangely he and mum looks as if they went to the same hair dresser (she admits this herself :P).

#5 Shopping!
:O i should stop, seriously. enough said, i shall not elaborate.

#6 Pan Mee
I love this, seriously. It's so gooooood.

#7 Movies. Back to back.
I've managed to watch a few already and some a few times even, thanks to my sister. Marley & Me and Stardust is still as nice as the first time i watched it. Other movies i enjoyed rather well was 'he just not that into you', '27 dresses' and 'angels & demons'. Next on my list is 'Taken'.

#8 More food!
Big Breakfast and Parties. I have been stuffing myself, which is great! as I really need to get that 3kgs goal desperately. More stuffing is welcomed.

#9 Meeting new & old friends
Xabi and I got to meet a new friend on Friday and his name is Patches. The proud parents of the cute little thing belongs to Jack & Kit. Look, Xabi and Patches are good friends already :) I have also managed to meet up with my college and highschool mates. It's always nice to see familiar faces, don't you agree?

#10 Bum bum That is what a holiday is all about, isn't it? :) Besides bumming, i actually managed to read some books, exercise! and even learn new things about photography and art. There is more to come and i am excited!

note : this has been sitting in my drafts because I haven't be able to upload the pictures :( I will put in the pictures as soon as I can.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My weekend away

Vic Kie can be spotted in Malacca on Saturday
She will be leaving to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 
on Sunday morning until the 19th of June!

So, I'll see you when i see you!
I can't wait to meet up with the other half LOKAS.
wheeeeee :D

at last, I can get away & have a real holiday.