Sunday, August 16, 2009

Number My Days

From today, it's exactly one month
until I leave home for my studies.
It's a case of mixed emotions for me. 
Quite unexplainable but I'm excited. 

pack, prepare & enjoy :)

I believe you are the answer to every tear I've cried 
I believe that you are with me
My rising and my light
Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can't see


pearly said...

why am i not sad that you're leaving? :(

oh and one day, we'll hv a drink or smt w wy lu and marg okay? :)

VK said...

haha. Cause you're going to leave with me, silly girl?

Yes! The four of us must have yum cha time together :D

pearly said...

heh just pulling your short legs. :p yes yes. will plan. :)