Saturday, November 1, 2008

Money, it's really that funny

hello, NOVEMBER ! :)

Since is the beginning of another awesome month, 
i shall give all of you a treat!
(because i know everybody loves treats, like my dog)
i shall put my dignity in line and risk to lose all aspect of self-worth 
for the sake of your entertaining.

Some of you have already seen it, some haven't
some know this side of me, some don't.
But i guess you'll find out soon enough anyways.
So, i do hope you get a good laugh out of it and 
that it will some how brighten your day!
(and hopefully not give you nightmares)

   ENJOY! :)

WARNING : The video that you are about to watch is very addictive substance that may cause injuries due to laughter. Please watch at your own risk. Satisfaction NOT guaranteed. 

*We, the Lokas hope that you enjoyed our short video that we made. All 4 members does not have any mental disorder and were sober when the recording was made. Your comments and ratings is much appreciated. Thank you! 

1 comment:

Philip Tan said...

oh...grammar errors spotted =p