Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Things-i-have-never-done-before LIST.

1) i got pulled over by a cop.

oh yes, today is my first time ever. how happy. i got pulled over for speeding. how fast was i going? 90km/h, bugger! is that fast to you? the speed limit was 80. so i went over it but still! anyways, today's incident ends with a happy ending. he let me go, although he did asked for some bribe for 3 times and i just gave him my most pitiful look and acted stupid. thank god, it worked! :D so yay, however, i do not want to experience this ever again!

2) futsal

i can now add this into my list. i have officially played futsal in a proper area and not running around bare footed wearing skirt on chinese new year. ah yes, it was very tiring and painful at times but i'm glad i scored at least one goal for my team (it was the first goal). woohoo! we didn't win but i think we all had fun and we actually did a good job for first-timers. for this, i wouldn't mind a second or a third time :)

* 2 new things in one day! one good and the other not so good, but i'm still very happy about today. maybe it's because i'm listening to kate nash's "merry happy" or maybe i just am :P


abs said...

how much did he ask u for the bribe?

VK said...

he didn't state how much he wanted, because i didn't answer him when he asked "macam mana u nak saya tolong kamu?" when he found out i was a student he let me gooo.