Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Weekly Weather Report

Week 2

Friendship is a promise spoken only by the heart.

It isn't given by any pledge
It isn't written on any paper.

But friendship is a promise 
that is renewed every time
we meet and smile and enjoy
the good times that came from
simply being together.

It's a promise to share
both glad and sad times..
A promise to think of each other fondly,
whether near or far apart.


The Report : 

Heavy rain poured down every evening, wetting our shoes and making us yawn before time. However, the bright smiling sun will never fail to greet us in the morning. The week started off slow in the beginning and ended with a very busy weekend but a good one, I would say. Time can't be spent any better when you are in the company of great friends. Happy Birthday, Li wen! :) thank you so much, I had a wonderful saturday night.

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